About Rough Patch

Rough Patch is an affordable counselling and mental health care service that provides counselling, referrals, and other supports. It’s the only mental health service of its kind in Australia.

Our unique model means experienced, professional counsellors reduce their usual fees to provide clients with counselling and support. In turn, Rough Patch provides room hire at a significantly lower rate than other clinics, subsidised by sales from our shop, revenue from training, and through donations and grants. Counsellors can then charge their clients less, making counselling more accessible.

Everyone experiences rough patches in their lives. We want everyone to know that talking to a counsellor and learning about mental health can help us all feel and be better.

We’re a non-profit social enterprise, meaning we reinvest any profit back into the business to provide further affordable counselling and mental health supports to those who need us

We saved our clients

estimated total in fees with our reduced-fee counselling service in the past year alone.
$ 0

We provided

reduced-fee counselling sessions in the past year alone.

At Rough Patch

our fees are reduced by up to 70% of the market rate.
0 %

How Is Rough Patch Different to What's Already Available?

Traditionally, mental health services in Australia are either full-fee, for-profit businesses which charge up to $250 per hour, or free services which are funded by faith-based charities or government departments. Often, the waitlists for free services are very long, and the organisations that provide them are underfunded, overstretched, and pay their counsellors a very low wage. They are also often faith-based organisations which isn’t the right fit for many people. At the other end, for-profit businesses charge high fees which aren’t affordable for many people, and generally only attract a partial Medicare rebate for a maximum 10 sessions per year.

Rough Patch provides a solution that sits somewhere between these two extremes. By offering a service that is subsidised by sales from our shop, by revenue from training, consulting to other health practitioners, organisations and businesses, and through donations and grants, Rough Patch provides counselling that is both affordable and accessible.

Meet The Counsellors

Why Australia Needs
Innovative Mental Health Care

As with other countries around the world, many Australians experience a range of mental health difficulties.

One in five (20%) of Australians aged 16-85 experience mental health difficulties every year. The most common mental health issues are depression, anxiety, and substance use, which often occur at the same time. Almost half (45%) of Australians will experience mental health difficulties at least once in their life. Over half (54%) of people with mental illness do not access treatment. People who do access treatment recover more quickly and have better mental and physical health outcomes. Health professionals are at greater risk of anxiety, depression and suicide. Early intervention reduces suffering, improves mental and physical health outcomes, and costs less.

So what does this all mean?
We know that mental health care and support is a priority to improve Australian lives. We know that government-funded services are chronically overwhelmed, overbooked and under-resourced. We know that counsellors in these services aren’t paid a wage that supports their own self-care or wellbeing, or is commensurate with their wealth of knowledge, compassion and care. We know that affordable, accessible mental health care – like we provide at Rough Patch – can alleviate some of these problems.

What is a Non-Profit Social Enterprise?

A social enterprise is a business that uses its revenue to improve communities, the environment or contribute positively to social wellbeing and advancement. For-profit businesses give their shareholders, including the owners, dividends of the profit made. In non-profit organisations, profits are reinvested and dividends are distributed to the community in the form of services, programs, employment and other resources. A social enterprise strengthens the community by providing a service that benefits everyone.

A non-profit social enterprise is not a registered charity. There are no tax breaks for the business, and they are not eligible for government funding in the same way charities and non-government organisations are.

At Rough Patch, we reinvest any profit back into the business to provide further affordable counselling and mental health supports to those who need us.

A unique and important part of the Rough Patch model is a shop which stocks a curated selection of books, mental health resources, self-care items, homewares and other products which support better mental health.

Because Rough Patch is a non-profit social enterprise, all revenue from the shop is put back into the business to further our mission of providing affordable counselling and other programs to the community.

Our products are sourced from businesses who share our passion for social justice and the environment. We prioritise products which are hand-made and local, environmentally-friendly, or support marginalised groups of people, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people of colour, womxn and non-binary people, LGBTQIA+ people, and people living with mental illness, disabilities and chronic illness, among others.

We also know that not everyone needs or wants to see a counsellor, but can still benefit from mental health supports. We can recommend books and products that build mental health, for either yourself or someone you care about. Just ask one of our friendly staff in the shop, or get in touch. 

By buying from the Rough Patch shop, you are directly supporting our sustainability and growth, and making sure we’re around to support anyone who needs us for many years to come.

We're Making Some Changes

We have made the decision to transition to an online-only service delivery model.

Our online clinic will continue to offer access to valuable mental health support for individuals, couples, and families, who will be able to engage in therapy from the comfort and convenience of their own space.

As part of our transition, we will also be closing our mental health shop.